About Sound-as Vibration, as Mantra and its effects


Welcome to your Omlinkblog tune-up for Well-Being!!! Before you click the link just above to listen to the post do have a read here…As many of you know I have spent a fair amount of time studying yoga in India.  I have spent time becoming certified in the classical hatha yoga sadhana that is quite different from many of the “styles” practiced in the west.  I have traveled in North and South India staying at different kinds of ashrams.  Mostly all the choices were chosen by my teacher in Benares.  I have had the privilege to access to many libraries that document the scientific research about hatha yoga and its counterpart ayurveda.  I have spent quite a few rupees making copies of texts that I found to be valuable to my understanding and teaching of the sadhana.  This is partly the reason that I had decided to start this blog to be able to coordinate my files of information that I have carried back over the years.  Also, I very much wanted to share this information to help others to see how scientific the practice (sadhana) is, as most westerners value the intellect over experience.  But my real hope is that once the science explains how the practice creates: peace, good health and well-being as a gateway to higher consciousness, yoginis and yogis will then appreciate and trust their experiences more.  This is not to say that study is not acceptable and may be enjoyed and a complement to our sadhana.  The digestion of intellectual data is slower than knowing reality from experiences.  Hopefully those who enjoy and stay with their practices will come to value and place priority onto yogic experiences.  Many of the texts I will be sharing are from the BHU library at Malaviya Kala Kendra, Lonalva and texts from the Bihar School of Yoga, (some left to me by my Yogi Sri Radhakant Jha).

So, as we practice yoga, we begin to pay attention to the sensations we feel in our bodies.  Based on our past, present and future hopes and fears, we have developed a unique relationship with our bodies.  Our body is a complex system of many different types, but it is through this body that we experience life.  We have many capacities such as sensation, healing, power, pleasure, and pain to list a few.  Whenever we start our practice of yoga is always a good time to begin for it will lift and raise our awareness towards positive realms and one finds this is limitless!  Namaste

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