Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Significance of 108 – Why Is It So Important?


IMG_0588The Significance of 108 – Why Is It So Important?.

Do click the link above to read and listen to Sadhguru explain all the science behind number 108 and its connection to you, the planet, the universe and your yoga.  Thanks to Sadhguru for keeping us informed about the Ancient Science of Classical Indian Hatha Yoga. Namaste

▶ Finger Tips: Jin Shin Jyutsu – YouTube


HarmonizingFingers▶ Finger Tips: Jin Shin Jyutsu – YouTube.

I am sharing here about The Finger Holds an energy and emotion balancing technique that is safe, simple and effective.  This is from the Jin Shen Jyutsu Practice developed in Japan and it is a kin to Reiki in that it is subtle, safe and uses the hands, [there are a few different spellings of the practice].  It is related to yoga in that it is an energy balancing technique that uses breathing, nadis (energy channels) similar to mudras.  I came to learn about this practice due to friends who keep leading me to more wonderful enriching experiences and I might add all quite innocently.  However, there is an Isha connection….when at an Isha Pooja (at Judit’s home) I met a meditator friend (Anu) who let me know of another friend who was going to hold a Memorial Service for her Mother (Anju).  I attended the Memorial for selfish and friendship reasons; selfish in that it was almost the one year anniversary of my own Sister’s Mahasamadhi and that I wanted to get to know and give tribute to my new friend’s Mother.  While there I met Anju’s sister Hema who is an Acupuncturist and Healer.  Around the same time someone who I know was experiencing serious health issues and not responding to any advice given.  I suddenly remembered meeting Hema who instantly revealed herself to be a quite powerful, dynamic, well-informed and graceful Healer, just with a glance and conversation.  So……I was able to bring the friend to receive treatment from Hema who I thought would administer acupuncture but instead she applied Jin Shen Jyutsu! I was unaware of this Practice, but felt it would be safe as I had complete trust in Hema, but within about twenty minutes I witnessed with my own eyes a transformation within my friend’s entire physical and emotional being that was nothing less than remarkable! It was a different type of therapy wherein I was able to sit in the treatment area and witness the process, Hema had given me some Jin Shen literature to review and I did start to review but while it was a dark evening somehow the room was lit up when the transformation occurred and I was agog with wonder.  I have since this first encounter had a couple of meetings with Hema for more specific personal orientation and information.  I have also spent a bit of time reading the recommended elementary books that Hema made reference to and I have shared this with several groups:  different Senior Citizens chair yoga sessions, a Girls Teen Club, Yoga friends and students.  Every group had a positive and immediate noticeable experience.  I might add that this is a very safe practice that everyone and anyone can apply and share with others.  There is of course training courses and workshops with certifications, [The Finger Holds are just one of many Jin Shen Jyutsu practices] but I find it such a gift that there are safe, basic and easy practices we can all share.  So please do watch the video and try it out for yourself, you can practice while going to sleep, (do know,  not mentioned in the video, if you cannot sleep, try holding your left thumb while breathing) or any time, just don’t try it while driving or operating equipment!  Also, parents can apply for their young children/babies (use opposite hands) and CareGivers too!  Thanks again for Youtube and Pam Doremus of Peaceful Spirit for making this Video.  Thanks to Binita for hosting last summer’s Party that got these friendship connections incubating.  I do feel quite rich in that I have been fortunate to have a circle of wonderful, knowledgeable, caring people who share not only good times, good vibrations, but ways to live well, some say “have long life” but is it not better to live with optimal wellness? In Gratitude, OM

n.b. I shared here the network of friends and instances that occurred to share that one of the blessings of a yogic culture is to form friendships that are rewarding and how these informal and formal satsangs benefit all aspects of our lives….your family members may not practice or care about your yoga, but as you deepen your practice and cultivate a wider circle of dedicated Yoginis and Yogis everyone who is in your life may also benefit from the knowledge and energy you harvest.  I also, always try to give a nod of thanks to All who I learn from out of respect for their teachings and to acknowledge what they share with me is valued, Namaste.