Monthly Archives: February 2013

Content of Your Mind is not Your Choice


IMG_0522Content of Your Mind is not Your Choice.

For yoga practitioners we spend a lot of time thinking about the best route to wellness and peace.  There is also many paths, routes, practices, information about the BEST way…some are complicated…some require lengthy preparation….some seem dubious….of all the practices and teachings I have been fortunate to study, learn about and experience I truly believe that the Isha Inner Engineering is the highest evolution for the science of hatha yoga.  Please do click the link below the picture above to follow to a short video by Sadhguru explaining in such plain language the answer to a type of query that has troubled many a seeker.  After viewing you too may feel, believe and understand that Sadhguru has designed a method for our ultimate practice for harmony.  So I invite you to explore all the links on this page from Isha/Sadhguru….especially the”Free Guided Meditation.”  It is about the Isha Kriya which I keep posting and re-posting for it is so valuable.  Once you begin to follow the Isha Kriya and spend some time listening to Sadhguru’s talks (which he so freely shares with us via YouTube) you begin to understand why he says we cannot “do meditation….we can begin to create a meditative experience by engaging in these practices….it is a quality that we can choose to cultivate for ourselves….like beginning to design, and make a garden with our own hands….it takes a desire for something that is not yet present…a belief that the work we put out will yield the result….and the committment for the work that goes on and on.  Nowadays many say they want to “do meditation” because the scientists are now proving the benefits…but they are not really ready…they haven’t figured out that everything else is not going to be a shortcut to happiness….so they continue to go around and around….some are setback due to the misfortune of having abundant capital and may hire a gardener or landscape company to tend to their garden and miss the entire gateway to finding their own treasures…but whenever one decides to become a seeker – the answers from the aroma of the un-bloomed blossom lures one on this path!  Thank you Sadhguru and The Isha Volunteers for sharing your teachings with us and may you feel the deep gratitude that so many across the globe now feel as we try to keep this wave of peace flowing, even those of us who are not yet fortunate to experience Ananda Alai first hand….but the message has arrived first class already!

I wish you all to find your way easily towards Wellness and Peace…..OM