Daily Archives: December 6, 2013

Seeds of Light | KarmaTube


1477934_465678720208018_1137132598_nSeeds of Light | KarmaTube.

Reflecting upon the life of the Divine Hero- Nelson Mandela who said: “Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.”  One of the best ways to pay tribute to the loving memory for those who have gone before us is to continue to create acts of love and kindness.  I found this inspiring video on one of my favorite sites, KarmaTube and thought it would be a good example of the work that others are doing to bring about positive changes for others.   We may choose to continue good acts in gratitude and respect for Mandela, our own family members, ourselves, let’s keep paying it forward.  We can choose to donate our time and/or funds and there are so many foundations, services, organizations and  services in our local neighborhoods, and global villages.    Namaste translates roughly as I honor the spirit of Oneness as I realize the Divine in me is the same energy that moves in all beings, OM