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  1. Grace Dziedzic, Yoga Tools, Wed. 8:30

    Isha Kriya is a paradoxical practice. The concept is very simple: there are predetermined phrases to say or think, a predetermined posture, and predetermined lengths of time to practice each task. However, the ability to experience this practice to the fullest is something that is complex and comes with time. Upon following this video for the first time, I found my mind wandering to multiple different thoughts such as “How long have I been sitting here?”, “My back hurts”, “What is he singing?”, etc. I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about how much I wanted to move my hands and wiggle my toes. This persisted for most of the first phase of the practice. I found myself wondering how something so simple and void of complex thought could be so hard. It turns out, the complex part is finding a way to clear the mind.
    For brief periods of time, I did experience clarity. At first, I did not understand why saying that I am not the body or mind was impactful, because I have always believed that I am both. But eventually, my breathing deepened and I experienced a state of realization. I thought maybe it wasn’t the point to believe fully that I am not my body or mind, but rather to disconnect myself from the physical world that is full of conflict, complication, and stress. To, idealistically, exist in a place that is not invaded by negative thoughts, or a place where I don’t feel the fatigue in my body. To be absorbed by a feeling that I don’t need an active mind or body to possess.
    This reminded me of the feeling I get when reading or writing poetry. I once tried to write a poem that described the feeling of presence that comes with the physicality of another human. In writing it, I felt so absorbed by the feeling I was trying to recreate with words that I forgot my physical body and my own personal thoughts. The same is true for the Isha Kriya practice; you are lifted out of your physical self and into a pure feeling.
    I searched for Ted Talks that I could relate to this practice (I am an avid Ted Talk listener), and I found a Ted Talk titled “You Are Not Your Body” by Janine Shepherd. She spoke about her journey from an Olympic bound athlete, to a paraplegic, to a pilot. She recounted her experience in the hospital, during which time she made the conscious choice to not give up on her body, and instead to live life to the fullest. Her message is similar to that of Isha Kriya because it is based on the fact that our power as humans does not come from our physical form. It is our spirit that powers us and keeps us as grounded as we are free. I look forward to my continued participation in a practice that encourages this message.

  2. I found the practice of the Isha Kriya to be a very powerful and beneficial tool of mediation.

    Although, when I first started doing this practice I didn’t understand why the statements “I am not the body” and “I am not even the mind” were so important and how it would impact my daily life. In fact, after doing it once everyday for a few days, I began to notice that I became more clear headed and stress-free. I noticed that everyone has their own way of saying those statements and I had to find my own way of doing it to feel the impact that develops. I noticed that I became more relaxed, calm, and open-minded. For instance, everything that was on my mind before the practice faded away slowly and after I finished I didn’t remember most things I was thinking or stressing about. In a way, it’s almost as if I’m letting go of all my thoughts and physical body in that present moment and nothing else matters.

    This practice also reminded me of a time when I visited some family in Trinidad in 2012 and I would get up every morning to go to the temple for meditation and prayer. My aunt would teach me the ways of breathing and listening to the guided mediation without getting distracted; especially when I first started meditating, this tool didn’t come easy. It took a lot of patience and self honesty to be able to sit for a long period of time and the same goes for the Isha Kriya. I believe that the more I do this practice the more it will impact my life positively. I agree with what the man said in the video that this practice “empowers people to experience their lives to the fullest potential.” I didn’t understand that either at first, but the more I did it I grasped a better understanding of what it meant.

    • Great that you have watched Sadhguru explain about the Isha Kriya and now have context for the practice. I hope you may share the Isha Kriya with your family in Trinidad by first explaining why you do it and what you have experienced so far. Feel free to send them the video, Namaste

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